Thursday, June 26, 2008

Great job Graduates!

Congratulations to all recent C.O.B.R.A Academy graduates. The most recent academy set to graduate on July 8th, 2008 has been a great class. Lots of energy, great enthusiasm and 95% retention. I wish them luck for their final test- The Action Incident Matrix.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The only thing stopping you is?

We have all done this about something and it would seem most people who have a challenge trying to reach a goal have a common factor- excuses. Lots and lots of reasons why they can't, won't or shouldn't achieve a goal, we have all done it.

For example if you have a goal to get in great shape - or start a self defense class.

Excuses not to:

I can't do that.
watching the kids.
I have to work.
I have 5 jobs.
That won't work for me.
I'm intimidated.
I'm to advanced for that.
It cost to much.
Traffic is to much.
I work nights, weekends ect.
I did it for 2 weeks and it didn't work.

and----------------fill in the blank.

****We have rationalized our goals away before so lets talk about MAKING IT HAPPEN .

How important is you health, fitness and personal safety to you?

**If you walked outside and had a flat tire you would begin the process to get it fixed right?

**If you were missing a large sum of money from your account you would stop everything, put that issue first and not stop until you got to the bottom of it- right.

I guarantee you would stop the excuses to fix those challenges and you would see it through.

Why? These are a priority to you, you need your car and your money and it can't wait.

We can "wait" to get in shape or "hope" we never need self defense so any goal set can easily be put on the back burner.

Lets time travel for a minute (it's fun stay with me).

You jump 12 months into the future and find that you are 35 lbs overweight, or worse you were the victim of a violent crime in which you did not survive.

Now you have a chance to re-set you goals and priorities - What are they now?

REMEMBER - Put yourself first, do it for you and never quit.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tips and Tactics to keep you safe

News channel 8 coverage of the Reality self defense program- C.O.B.R.A.

Quick tips can help anyone no matter what your experience, click link for more info.

No superior Martial arts-Only Martial artist

Enough with the my style this and this arts is better than that. The uninformed public is affected by individuals who swore by one style and talk down on another. It sends a confusing message to those who would like to start training in the arts.

Martial Arts have been around for thousands of years. Nobody has invented a new technique for generations we just keep coming up with new names. Martial artist of old needed their skill for survival on a regular basis - IT HAD TO WORK!

Truth be told every martial art is absolutely GREAT and if you are not training you have no idea what your missing. The benefits of martial arts training is endless. Think about it, martial arts is the longest running workout/ protection program . Why, because it really works and it's not a fad.

Weather it's karate, TKD, mixed martial arts, judo, aikido ect.. it doesn't matter- it's still a martial art.
If you ever speak to someone and they inform you how Great "their" art is and how superior it is to all else- RUN!! This person is bad for the industry and a serious impostor however probably a nice person.

Remember - Stay safe & Train Hard

More tips-

Reality Training footage

C.O.B.R.A self defense training videos.

Students in our 10 week self defense program.

Fitness is all in your head

This is a quick clip from my upcoming CD/ BOOK -
Change your mind and your body will follow.

You have to pull the pin on your current way beliefs about obtaining great health and a great body. IT'S WHAT YOU THINK that will strip the negative garbage you are fed up with. Your body needs your mind to take charge.

The give up, sit on your butt, make excuses days are over. Every reason, excuse or challenge you have is just another hurdle you created. I Guess you have to jump every one of your self induced hurdles just to get a chance to succeed.

***********Stay tuned for more.

Reality self defense

In the world of self defense the only thing that matters is your survival. You, your family and your friends should not be the victims of violence or crime, however in today's world that is not always the case. It is a fact that everyday there are many acts of violence committed upon innocent individuals who thought it could and would never happen to them. There are many people that become mentally and physically brutalized because they were at the mercy of another. The only thing that will protect us is the knowledge and training we have in the areas of self defense and the reality of crime

In our society the average female spends more in on year on her hair and nails than they would ever invest in self defense training. Families spend more on dinners and movies in 6 months than they ever spend on personal safety education. Why?

The pre concieved idea that it can not and will not happen to you.

Get involved, not only for you but also your family.
For mor info and education vist